for my sayang

Si isteri hidangkan air dan duduk di sebelah suaminya... Suami : sayang, air ni tawar..Cuba sayang minum. Isteri : ye ke bang?? (Sambil rasa air dari cawan suaminya) Suami : (Minum bekas bibir isterinya di cawan itu) Emmm..Baru manis!!! ^^,

Sunday 13 May 2012

wife not maid

What NOT to get a Muslim woman as a gift:

Anything for cleaning the house, such as a vacuum cleaner, broom, mop, etc. This is like telling her that you see her only as a maid. Those things should be part of the normal household expenses, not gifts.

Groceries. True, if you don't normally do it then the gesture is nice, but it's too prosaic.

A sexy nightie. Not that this is un-Islamic, but it just seems a little tacky to me. It's like it's more for you than for her, if you get my meaning.

Anything that is really about you more than her, like a CD of your favorite instrumental or nashids, a game box, a flat screen TV, etc. If you think that you might end up using it more than her, then chuck it and keep looking.

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